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Burien Torsion Spring Replacement

Burien Garage DoorYour torsion springs do a big job; they tirelessly raise and lower your heavy garage door day in and day out. They are strong and when installed correctly, can last for up to 20,000 cycles. But, like anything else, they wear out eventually. Fortunately, getting affordable and highly professional replacement service for your torsion springs is fast, easy and convenient. Just call our Burien Garage Door shop and you’ll see. Our in-house springs professionals are true torsion spring experts. We have the training, the experience and the tools necessary to do an outstanding job of replacing either one or both of your worn out torsion springs.

Sometimes there is confusion about torsion springs and their counterpart; extension springs. Here at Burien Garage Door we sell, service, install and replace both. These two kinds of garage door springs work hard to provide you with safe and reliable garage door usage every time you need it; day or night. Torsion springs are located above the garage door and run parallel to it. Extension springs are on the sides and run parallel with your vertical tracks. If you are like most, you don’t care what they are called; you just want them to work! This is never a problem when Burien Garage Door does the work. As stated earlier, properly installed and reasonably maintained torsion springs can last for up to 20,000 cycles. Isn’t all that safe and dependable garage door use worth doing your installation right? Of course it is!

Another advantage of torsion springs is that they allow for smoother and less jerky movement of your garage door whenever it is opening or closing. This controlled motion allows your garage door to move evenly as the tension is balanced by your torsion springs. This results in less maintenance, less wear and tear and longer life for your set of springs. Extension springs do cost less but they often have choppy movement and tend to wear out sooner and need replacement faster. Torsion springs also have fewer parts. This means less maintenance and less overall upkeep. You can lubricate these springs easily yourself or have it done for you by a handyman or local garage door expert. They are also safer than extension springs. Both kinds pack a lot of power but broken extension springs can actually kill and maim with their sheer force! 

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Burien Garage Door
