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Troubleshoot Garage Door Openers

Burien Garage DoorThe garage door opener is quite important if you have a property with a garage. As a matter of fact, it might be a component that is used every single day, multiple times a day. And it doesn’t matter the type or brand of opener you have, whether it’s one that is ultra-quiet or even one with a wireless keypad – the point is, you expect it to deliver convenience. Being able to operate the door simply by pushing a button is a great feature – not to mention you might suspect that the opener helps with regard to security. You are going to want to be able to troubleshoot garage door opener issues so that you can always enjoy a system that works.

Burien Garage Door wants to provide assistance to people everywhere regarding troubleshooting garage door openers. We will happily provide the services you need if you are in or near Burien, WA but if you are not, we urge you to contact a licensed expert if you have any questions. No one should have to feel stuck with a malfunctioning opener system. Call a garage door pro and request a free consultation! Let them know what is going on.  

Troubleshooting Openers

The problem when it comes to troubleshooting garage door openers is that if you simply look online, you might be on the receiving end of information that is not only inaccurate, but possibly damaging. Remember that anyone can post information or share videos online, so you can’t necessarily apply what someone else is saying about openers to your specific problem, situation and type of opener. When you want to make sure things are being done correctly, you need to reach out to an expert. Or, check with your opener’s manual.

You don’t want your system to malfunction when you need it to work. Imagine if you were trying to get to work and couldn’t get your car out of the garage. Or what if you couldn’t close your garage door because the opener was failing to function correctly? This can be a security threat.

Learn the right ways to troubleshoot issues garage door openers here so you don’t have to deal with these problems, at least, not for long!  

Inspect the Close-Limit Switch

The concern with your opener could revolve around the close-limit switch. The close-limit switch can be adjusted if need be. Set-limit switches, for your information, have to function appropriately – otherwise, your garage door is not going to work properly which we know is something that is unacceptable. How does a close limit switch work? In essence, by communicating with the motor which lets the garage door know when to shut. If it is not working correctly, then you might have an issue with the garage door reversing.  

If you aren’t comfortable working with this part, we recommend calling an expert who is licensed and insured.

Look at the Safety Sensors

If your garage door opener is not working how it is supposed to, and you have checked the close limit switch, think about the possibility of safety sensors being an issue. This is something you might be able to do without the assistance of an expert. You are going to want to look carefully at the bottom of the garage door track, which is where you should be able to see the eyes. Next, you will want to double check that there isn’t anything between the electronic eyes. Any sort of blockage can end up making the garage door reverse, so it can appear that the opener system is broken when in fact it is merely doing its job. Also notice any loose brackets. Remove any debris out of the way.

See if Rollers Are Corroded

Rollers that have corrosion might make it so the opener system is not functioning the way it is supposed to. You will want to keep them clean and you will want to report any problems to an expert so they don’t impact the functionality of the garage door.

Having some basic know-how can be extremely useful when it comes to troubleshooting garage door openers. We don’t want you to be stressed out or stuck with a system that is not doing its job. We don’t want anyone to be unable to open or close their garage door. There are so many different types of openers and all of them were designed to be incredibly useful and convenience. It should matter if you have a chain drive, screw drive or belt drive opener – at the end of the day, you want it to function correctly and do its job. When you hire a garage door expert who is specialized, insured and licensed, you can generally trust them to be able to work with any opener type or brand. So if you have a problematical opener system and you have taken our advice and tried the steps listed above but to no avail, we recommend turning to a reliable expert in your area. Of course, call us if you need repairs, maintenance or installation in our service area because we offer great deals and amazing customer service.

We know how important the opener system is with regard to your garage door working properly. This is why we have put together this information to help you when it comes to troubleshooting garage door opener issues. Again, we can’t emphasize enough that if there is anything you aren’t fully comfortable checking on your own, or if you don’t want to risk voiding any warranties, you should turn to an insured and licensed garage door repair expert to do the job.

You need correct information so that you know about correctly troubleshooting garage door openers. The internet is filled with inaccurate information and we don’t want you to end up with an opener that no longer has a valid warranty because you followed a random video on YouTube. Hopefully, this information has been helpful to you and you have a better idea of what to look for!

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